Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Dumb Quote of the Day

The following conversation is real. It took place at 7:00am on Tuesday, April 3rd. The names have been changed for the protection of the stupid.

Me: Technical Support, how can I help you?
Caller: Hi, my name is Jenna! I am scheduled for the conference call today. I thought I would get an email with all the info an hour before it starts, and I haven't received that yet.
Me: Yes, you are correct. However, the training does not start until 10am, so the email will be sent out one hour before then, around 9am, so in about 2 hours.
Caller: Ok, but I am on your website now, and it says 10am Pacific/1pm Eastern is when it starts.
Me: Correct, 10am Pacific. On the west coast, where we are located, it is only 7am.
Caller: Oh, no one told me thats what Pacific means.

Nice lady, very kind, but just had no comprehension over the different time zones.

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