Other than the occasional Rock Band break, I haven't been able to get much gaming in at all for nearly a month now. After nearly 200 hours on the job, and a few thousand miles of traveling, I am finally ready to get back into the swing of things and start having some fun again. First, it is time for me to look back on my most recent trip...
Vegas vs. Atlantic City, NJ: You decide...

Click on either picture to embiggen. That is AC on the top and Vegas on the bottom for the hopelessly ignorant. Also, the Vegas picture was taken by a
very talented photographer at my boss's place a few months back.
Creepy: Atlantic City has/was long been the home of Miss America and all things related to this wacky little freak show. My hotel was the quasi Miss America museum, and the presence of the show permeated everywhere. This is what was across the wall from my bed in my hotel room in Atlantic City:
CLICK PICTURE TO EMBIGGENSome of you have already seen this picture, and I will now post your thoughts on it:
-"I agree, rather strange. But now I know what Miss America from the year of my birth looks like. But they should provide better material for when you're alone in the hotel room... uhhh - never mind."
-"They'll be WATCHING your every move... but hey, you've finally got a captive audience to practice your jokes on!!"
-"haha *sings* here she is, miss americaaaaaaa!!! sucks to be you LOL ^_^ "
-"Wow. The ghost of Miss America's past watching over you? I'd be scared to go to sleep."
F%&k you all.
Yummy: While back in the Delaware Valley (PA+NJ+DE), I managed to pick up a "few"
Tasty Kakes. In Philadelphia, a "few" equals $44.
A little history about Tasty Kakes for those who aren't familiar. Tasty Kakes were first made in 1914 in Philadelphia. They were created when the
Super Devil, Bender from Futurama, Chuck Norris, and Super Saiyajin Goku high-fived each other in a bakery owned by the Mythbusters. The original product looked less than appetizing, so Lucy Pinder, Kelly Brook, and Scarlett Johansson made out in front of the delicious pastries and they morphed into their current beautifully chocolate form. You can FINALLY buy them in bulk online, bulk being the operative. The majority of people that I had try them for the first time loved them greatly, with only one person just thinking they were just "ok." She and I are no longer friends.
Ghost Watches are cooler: I picked up Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass for my poor neglected DS for my many travels the past month. So far I am pleasantly surprised, despite the mad amounts of adulation it has received. I didn't think I would like the touch aspect, but it works very well, and I now find myself with my foot in my mouth... ya know, again. I only have 2 complaints so far, and that is the constant need to return to that first temple and go through the entire thing again and again with a time limit, and the inability to quickly swap items. Also, the roll mechanic doesn't seem to work that well. Overall, more fun than I had with Wind Waker at first thanks to the new draw-to-sail mechanic, but it doesn't have the same magic and appeal, and I think I am already halfway through at about 8 hours of play, with 3/4 of the map uncovered.
Found Iliad: I have decided that the next game I am buying will be Lost Odyssey for the 360, which comes out this week. Every review and preview I have read has 1 main complaint, and that is that it is too "old school" or too "late 90s" for a JRPG. Well guess what? That is EXACTLY what I want. I am skipping Mass Effect and Blue Dragon (and Xenosaga 3 and Rogue Galaxy... geez I am behind...) in favor of Lost Odyssey for the time being. Hopefully it will be the right choice for my preferences. I will let you know how that turns out.
That be all for now. I will update again in another 3 weeks or something....